Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards

Find a Trainer

WMELS Training Opportunities

Regional Training Opportunities can be found on the Wisconsin Registry Training Calendar

Additional Credit-based Opportunities

Find a WMELS Trainer

WMELS Trainers can be found by searching the Wisconsin Registry’s Trainer and Technical Assistance Professional Directory.

  • Under Additional Endorsements select WMELS Approved Trainers
  • Leave all other fields blank
  • Click “Search Trainers” button

The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS) trainings will provide participants with an opportunity to understand the WMELS so that they will be able to build a foundation for high-quality care & education for all children from birth to the beginning of 1st grade. Participants learn how to apply the WMELS Performance Standards to determine what children should know & be able to do, plan learning experiences, provide supportive environments & collect data to ensure that all children are learning & making progress.

Goals of the WMELS Training:

    1. To provide opportunities for participants to learn how to use the WMELS to guide the determination of developmentally appropriate curriculum, daily activities & assessment.
    2. To assist early care & education providers and families in developing an understanding of the WMELS developmental domains, developmental expectations, performance standards, developmental continuum & program standards.
    3. To utilize the “Teaching Cycle” of assessment, planning & implementation as a framework for applying the WMELS in early care & education.
    4. To provide opportunities for participants to learn how to use the WMELS to design care & learning environments & to support adult/child relationships that enhance optimal learning experiences for young children.
    5. To provide professionals & families with an understanding of the connections between WMELS and:
    6. Wisconsin readiness Indicators
      • Existing performance standards
      • Existing program standards

For more information on finding a WMELS-approved trainer or becoming a WMELS-approved trainer, contact: Tiffany Swain, [email protected]


Updated 08/15/2023