PD Packages

Best Practices

12 Principles of Child Development & Learning that Inform Practice (webpage) – from the National Association for the Education of Young Children.

Results Matter Video Library (webpage) – from the CO Dept of Education, offering videos that can be used for professional development.

Connect Modules (webpage) – From the Frank Porter Graham Institute, these modules are designed for faculty and PD. Modules cover 7 different topics and contain videos, handouts, and other resources to support adult learning.

National Center on Early Childhood Development, Teaching & Learning (webpage) – from US DHHS: Hub for multiple PD resources that promote the implementation of best practices.

ECLKC Briefs: Supporting Transition Resources for Building Collaboration (webpage) – resources for supporting transitions through collaboration.

Learning Environments (webpage) -from Head Start EKLKC

Promoting Excellence for All ECourse (webpage) WI DPI designed to help educators deepen their understanding and use of strategies proven to close the gap. Work from this eCourse can serve as evidence (artifacts) for an electronic portfolio, to use in Educator Effectiveness or in a professional development plan (PDP)

Effective Practice Guides (webpage) – From the Office of Head Start, these guides provide classroom teachers, family child care providers, and home visitors information about domain-specific teaching practices that support children’s development. The guides are organized around 4 principles of learning, show what the practices look like, and can be used in multiple ways to support changes in practice.


Updated 5/21/2018