Learning Experiences, Strategies, & Curriculum

Environments: Homes & Community

Place Matters: What Surrounds Us Shapes Us (website) – Harvard University’s Center on the Developing Child infographic examines how various influences shape early childhood development and lifelong health. It highlights the interconnectedness of a child’s social, built, and natural environments, along with the systemic factors that shape them, highlighting their interconnectedness and influence on overall well-being.

NAEYC for Families (webpage) – National Association for the Education of Young Children has research-based information on developmentally appropriate practice resources for families. A good way to see all the options on this site is to click first on the top left box that says “Browse Articles By Topic.” You’ll find lots of information and ideas organized by topics that range from play to math and includes playful approaches to math. Select a topic, then enjoy the many options that are available.

Learning at Home (webpage) – From the Head Start Early Learning & Knowledge Center, a collection of articles and resources to help families support their child’s learning at home.

Fun and Learning for Parents and Children: An Activities Handbook (webpage) – From the Head Start Early Learning & Knowledge Center, a booklet containing fun activities for parents and children to do together at home, away from home, indoors, and outdoors.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction: Libraries (webpage) – In addition to supporting public education, The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) also supports public libraries throughout Wisconsin. DPI’s Libraries website has information, resources, and professional development opportunities for public and school libraries. Information on this DPI page can be used to empower libraries to serve their communities.

Supporting Children through Public Library Partnerships (webpage) – From the Head Start Early Learning & Knowledge Center, recommendations to assist Head Start, child care programs, and public libraries to partner and help meet the educational needs of young children and their families.

IES: Regional Educational Laboratory Program:  It takes a village: How community organizations, schools, and families can work together to support early childhood literacy (webpage) – Researchers discuss the importance of building a child’s early literacy skills and how community organizations can support their literacy development.

Zero To Three: Parent Favorites (webpage) – A collection of the highest trending resources designed to guide families in thinking about the best way to meet their child’s individual needs.

PBS Parents: Preschool Learning At Home (webpage) – Although preschoolers learn best through exploration, they still need lots of support from caring adults to help them develop the habits they need to thrive in school and beyond.  These resources will support a child’s early learning.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction-Learning at Home (webpage) – These resources are designed to support engagement and partnerships between families and schools. They provide ideas to facilitate learning outside of the classroom and reinforce the important roles families have in their children’s education.

Parenting and Family Relationships (webpage) – A collection of well-researched, quality information from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Division of Extension about parenting, child development, relationships, and well-being. Resources are categorized by ages (prenatal/infant, toddlers, preschoolers, elementary, and teenagers) and topics (families in transition, healthy relationships, family health & well-being, and caregivers).

Born Learning (webpage) – United Way’s Born Learning is a set of tools that equip parents, caregivers, and communities to create early learning opportunities for young children. Designed to support parents in their critical role as a child’s first teacher, Born Learning is a long-standing resource used across the United Way network.


Updated 02/22/2024