Learning Experiences, Strategies, & Curriculum

Environments: Classroom

Designing Environments (website) Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center- Learn about features of the physical and social classroom environment that maximize young children’s engagement and learning.

Creating Playful Learning Environments for Infants and Toddlers (website) Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center-Discover strategies for effectively managing and scaffolding play and creating play-friendly activities and environments.

Setting Up the Classroom Environment with WMELS in Mind (pdf) This article provides practical strategies and reflection questions to guide providers in setting up their classroom environment based on the developmental domains within the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards (WMELS).

Using Learning Centers in Child Care (website) An article from the eXtension Alliance for Better Child Care that provides information and examples on planning learning centers in your child care environment.

The Indoor Environment: Designing and Organizing (website) A free self-paced online learning module from Virtual Lab School Is focused on the design and organization of the indoor early childhood learning environment,

Designing Effective Classrooms (website) A free online professional development module from the IRIS Center on how to set up effective inclusive early childhood classroom environments for young children.

Classroom Environment (website) This collection of videos and resources from Eastern Connecticut State University provides ideas and guidance on intentionally preparing the learning environment.


Updated 10/18/2023