Learning Experiences, Strategies, and Curriculum (LRN)



A New Vision for High-Quality Preschool Curriculum (website) – This report from the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine offers specific recommendations for curriculum developers, policymakers, funders, and early childhood educators to improve preschool curricula and ensure equitable access to high-quality early learning experiences.

Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center (website) – Head Start offers a suite of webpages and resources to support all early learning programs in selecting, evaluating, and implementing high-quality curricula.

Guidelines for Selecting High-Quality Curriculum for Young Children (pdf)

Rubric (pdf) – guide when evaluating the quality and completeness of any early childhood curriculum framework.

Curriculum Consumer Report (webpage) – This online Curriculum Consumer Report provides review summaries and ratings of comprehensive infant and toddler, preschool, and home-based curricula.

Social Emotional Preschool Curriculum Consumer Report (webpage) – The Social Emotional Preschool Curriculum Consumer Report provides information and guidance for programs as they select curricula based on the strengths and needs of their participating children and teachers.


Child Care Information Center (CCIC) (webpage) – a mail-order lending library & information clearinghouse serving anyone in WI working in the field of child care & early childhood education. 1-800-362-7353

Content-Rich Instruction in Preschool (website) – 5 research-based principles are described to support content-rich preschool learning environments so that the knowledge gap can be closed.

REC and the Project Approach to Learning (video) – various components of the project approach are described.

The Lunch Project (webpage) – article describes in detail a lunch project undertaken by a class of 3-5 yr old preschool children. Following the description of the school & the goals of the project, the article presents the 3 phases, teacher’s reflections, and photos to document the project.


Updated 12/5/2024