Diverse Populations
The Department of Children and Families Support for Families Experiencing Homelessness – The Wisconsin Department of Children and Families offers extensive support services for families, particularly those experiencing homelessness. Resources include child care subsidies, employment services, and various family support programs. The department employs a multi-generational approach, collaborating with numerous partners to address the needs of homeless families and children.
I am at Risk of Becoming Homeless -This website is a directory of resources and services. It provides access to a wide range of programs, categorized by topic such as child care, child support, emergency assistance, and family services. The overall purpose is to connect Wisconsin residents with crucial social services, particularly those concerning children and families.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services: Homelessness – The Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) homelessness website focuses on homelessness as a significant public health issue, detailing its impact on individuals’ health and the state’s efforts to address it. This website also shares information about the Homelessness Forum and Interagency Council on Homelessness, which collaborate on prevention and solution strategies.
Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s (DPI) Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) –The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction’s (DPI) website section on Education for Homeless Children and Youth (EHCY) aims to ensure educational equity for these students experiencing homelessness. The DPI provides funding, training, and technical assistance to local education agencies (LEAs). The website offers resources, including a homeless liaisons directory, grant applications, and information on the McKinney-Vento Act’s definition of homelessness. Its overall goal is to help homeless students succeed academically and achieve their goals.
- Homeless Liaison Directory – This DPI resource provides a list of the Homeless Liaisons identified within each WI School District
Early Years – Early Years, a North Carolina non-profit, addresses the significant issue of early childhood homelessness. Their website features extensive resources, including research data, assessment tools for shelters and early childhood programs, and policy recommendations to support families and young children experiencing homelessness. The organization actively promotes awareness through campaigns like “Bringing Families Home,” highlighting the detrimental impact of homelessness on young children’s development and advocating for improved services and policies. They collaborate with various state and federal agencies, universities, and other organizations to achieve their goals. Numerous reports and tools are available for download on their website.
Educator Training to Support Learners Experiencing Homelessness Module – The Educator Training to Support Learners Experiencing Homelessness Module was created in partnership with the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI), Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners (WECCP), Wisconsin Technical College System, and Education Leads Home. The module provides information for educators to create safe and supportive learning environments for learners experiencing homelessness. Included in the module are professional resources.
HeadStart.gov’s Children and Families Experiencing Homelessness– The U.S. Department of Health & Human Services’ Office of Head Start offers numerous resources to support children and families experiencing homelessness. These resources address identifying, enrolling, and providing support to homeless children, who are automatically eligible for Head Start programs. Materials include videos, interactive learning modules, and tools for staff to improve communication with families and collaborate with community partners. The focus is on understanding the unique challenges homeless families face and providing appropriate services to meet their needs.
Supporting Children and Families Experiencing Homelessness – This interactive learning series is intended for professionals in Head Start, Early Head Start, and child care, including early childhood and school-age child care providers, CCDF Lead Agency or designated entity staff, and other key stakeholders. Learn how to identify families experiencing homelessness, conduct community outreach, and much more. The learning series consists of eight modules that each take about 30 minutes to complete.
Institute for Children Poverty & Homelessness – The Institute for Children, Poverty, and Homelessness (ICPH) is a research organization dedicated to studying and addressing family and child homelessness. ICPH produces research reports and policy insights to inform policymakers and service providers. Their work focuses on the needs of families and children experiencing homelessness, using data to track trends like the number of families in NYC shelters. They share their findings through publications, a website, social media, and a newsletter.
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) – The National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) mission is to ensure educational equity for homeless children and youth. NAEHCY focuses on advocacy and support for education. The website offers opportunities for engagement, including attending conferences and accessing online resources.
National Center for Homeless Education – The National Center for Homeless Education (NCHE) website provides resources and information on early childhood education for homeless children. The site offers numerous reports, guides, and tools aimed at improving the access to and quality of early care and education services for this vulnerable population. These resources cover topics such as state coordination, best practices for shelters and supportive housing, and the impact of homelessness on young children’s development. The website also includes sample agreements demonstrating effective collaboration between various agencies and programs serving homeless families.
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) – The National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth (NAEHCY) mission is to ensure educational equity for homeless children and youth. NAEHCY focuses on advocacy and support for education. The website offers opportunities for engagement, including attending conferences and accessing online resources.
National Law Center on Homeless & Poverty – The National Homelessness Law Center is a national organization using legal strategies to end and prevent homelessness. Their work encompasses policy advocacy, public education, impact litigation, and advocacy training. Their website offers resources, news, and ways to get involved.
School House Connection – SchoolHouse Connection is a non-profit organization dedicated to combating youth and family homelessness through education. They provide advocacy at the state and federal levels, practical assistance to communities, and resources for early childhood through higher education. Their work includes data collection, policy development, and direct support for students via scholarships and mentorship
Sesame Street in Communities – Sesame Workshop, the nonprofit organization behind Sesame Street, has a mission to help children grow smarter, stronger, and kinder. Their Homelessness page provides video clips and resources to help professionals talk to children and families experiencing homelessness.
United States Interagency Council on Homelessness – The United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (USICH) website provides information on its mission to prevent and end homelessness. It highlights its collaborative efforts with various federal agencies, state and local governments, and the private sector. The site offers resources, including data, reports, and funding information, to support this goal.
Wisconsin Balance of State Continuum of Care (WIBOSCOC)-The Wisconsin Balance of State Continuum of Care (WIBOSCoC) is a non-profit organization dedicated to ending homelessness across the state. It supports local housing coalitions and provides leadership and funding for housing and supportive services. They aim to ensure efficient service delivery, promote self-sufficiency, and foster a community-wide commitment to ending homelessness. Included on WIBOSCOC’s website is a webpage dedicated to local coalitions of housing providers throughout 69 counties in the state of Wisconsin.
Wisconsin Homelessness Awareness Facebook Page – Wisconsin Homelessness Awareness is a group of community partners that work together across Wisconsin to bring awareness to homelessness across Wisconsin communities. They share data and information related to homelessness and host awareness events.
Updated 1/17/2025