Contact WI Early Child Collaborating Partners

Collaborating Partners Regional Outreach Specialists
Tiffany Swain
Northeast Region
Focus on 4K Community Approach & Inclusion WI Model Early Learning Standards Statewide Coordinator
Joanna Lickel
Northwest Region
Focus on Culturally & Linguistically Responsive Practices
Maria Kietzman
Southern Region
Focus on Educating Youth Experiencing Homelessness & Child Find
Wisconsin Early Childhood Collaborating Partners (WECCP) hosts regional connection opportunities in each of their 3 regions. These communications bring together early childhood professionals representing a diverse array of agencies and sectors. It’s an opportunity to share updates, resources, initiatives, grant opportunities, and local and state-level data. It’s also a chance to strengthen cross-sector connections and partnerships as we better understand the intersections of our work. Are you interested in receiving notifications of upcoming regional collaboration happenings? Please fill out the interest form.
WECCP Listserv
The WECCP listserv facilitates interactive, electronic communication among the agencies, associations, and individuals providing services to Wisconsin’s young children (birth to age 8) and their families. The focus is on state, community, and inter-agency efforts to improve service delivery approaches for young children and their families. The listserv provides a mechanism to share experiences, examples, and resources related to early childhood collaboration, program blending, and system improvement.
Forces 44 Listsev
The Forces44 listserv facilitates interactive, electronic communication between agencies, associations, and individuals interested in community collaboration related to services to 4-year-old children and their families. The focus is on state, community, and inter-agency efforts to blend 4-year-old kindergarten, child care, and Head Start resources and funding to create collaborative programs for 4-year-old children.
For website-specific questions on the WECCP Website contact Cathy Daentl at [email protected] ~ Please allow 1-2 business days for a response.
Do you have a resource you would like to see on the WECCP Website? Please complete this form and the state WECCP team will review your request, Please allow up to four weeks for review. All materials provided will be reviewed to ensure that they align with our guiding principles, vision and mission, and are culturally and linguistically responsive. No endorsements or promotion of any specific product or company will be made.
Updated 9/27/2024