Planning, Reflection & Evaluation


Wisconsin Department of Health Services(DHS): Resilient Wisconsin Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS): Resilient Wisconsin is a webpage with stories, trainings, and resources for building strength and resilience. It includes resources to understand, build, and promote resiliency individually and in Wisconsin communities.

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction (DPI) shares information on self-care and adult well-being on their Introduction to Adult SEL (website) and their Staff Mental Health Perspectives, Competencies, and Wellness (website). 

The Compassion Resilience Toolkit (website) The Compassion Resilience Toolkit provides support and resources to help organizations, teams, and caregivers build and maintain a culture of well-being and compassion

The Center for the Study of Social Policy’s Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework
The Center for the Study of Social Policy includes resilience and self-care in its Strengthening Families: A Protective Factors Framework (website). Below are their  PDFs for different early care and education professionals and caregivers to learn more about taking care of themselves.

Taking Care of Yourself: For Early Care and Education Providers (pdf)
Taking Care of Yourself: For Home Visitors (pdf)
Taking Care of Yourself: For Foster Parents (pdf)
Taking Care of Yourself: For Kinship Care Providers (pdf)
Taking Care of Yourself: For Child Welfare Workers (pdf)

Child Care Technical Assistance Network: Self-Care and Professionalism (website) The Child Care Technical Assistance Network’s Self-Care and Professionalism page has articles, presentations, and resources for early care and education professionals to use to care for themselves. Some resources on this webpage are offered in both Spanish and English languages.

Greater Good In Education: Adult Well-Being (website) Great Good In Education: Science-Based Practices for Kinder, Happier Schools’ Adult Well-Being page is full of information on practices of well-being for school staff members. The information and resources are shared in three parts, character strength, social-emotional learning, and mindfulness.

Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center: Promoting Staff Well-being (website) Adults who practice self-care are better able to manage daily stress, as well as stressful impacts from traumatic experiences. 

The resources below include stress and resilience support for programs, staff, and families.

Early Essential Webisode 6:  Professionalism and Self Care (website)
Caring for Ourselves as We Care for Others (website)

The Importance of Self-Care for Early Care and Education  CECE Early Childhood Videos at Eastern CT State University (website) Eastern Connecticut State University has a video and discussion guides on the importance of self-care for early care and education professionals. The video may be viewed independently, but resources are also available for groups to use as mentors, at staff meetings, future teacher training, and more.

International Self-Care Foundation (website) The International Self-Care Foundation is a UK Charity organization supporting a global perspective on self-care. Their website defines self-care and shares ways to measure and practice self-care. The website also includes infographics and a seven-pillar framework for practicing self-care.

A Toolkit for School Systems to Advance Comprehensive School Employee Wellness (website) This tool kit was created by Child Trends and uses a comprehensive approach to school employee wellness. It was made with research on health equity, and it highlights the impact of a sense of agency, empowerment, and voice in the workplace as a component of wellness.


Updated 11/14/2023