Planning, Reflection & Evaluation

Reflective Practice

Reflective Supervision Resources

  • Reflective Supervision Resources (pdf) – From the Head Start Early Learning & Knowledge Center, this collection of resources is designed to promote and support the implementation of reflective supervision for professional development of staff in early care and education programs. The resources and guides are designed to support staff in using a strengths-based approach in their work with families.
  • Reflective Supervision: Setting a Foundation for Reflective Practice in Your Program (website) – From the Head Start Early Learning & Knowledge Center, this audio conference features Sherry Heller, co-editor of A Practical Guide to Reflective Supervision, federal staff, and program managers who use reflective supervision in their Early Head Start programs. Panelists discuss the challenges of introducing and implementing the practice and share their keys to success. PDF resources also provided.

Self-Reflection Resources

  • The Wisconsin Training and Technical Assistance Professional (T-TAP) Competencies ( WI-TTAP) (internal link) – Define the relevant knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed by T-TA Professionals. They can be used in a variety of ways to support reflection of practices and opportunities for professional learning. Also available in Spanish: Competencias del Profesional de Capacitación y Asistencia Técnica (T-TAP) de Wisconsin
  • Zero to Three Leadership Self-Assessment Tool (website) – The Leadership Self-Assessment Tool is a series of statements and reflective questions that offer insight into leadership styles to help identify strengths and opportunities for growth.
  • Local District Preschool Inclusion Self-Assessment (pdf) – This self-assessment tool provides a framework for discussion to promote partnerships among schools and early care and education providers to promote the inclusion of young children with disabilities and their families in early childhood programs. Early childhood programs are defined as Early Childhood Special Education, Early Intervention, Head Start, Early Head Start, State Pre-Kindergarten, Child Care, Title I Preschool, and other programs.
  • Personal Assessment and Reflection—SEL (webpage) – A tool from the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) for individuals to assess personal strengths, think about how to model those strengths when interacting with others, and plan strategies to promote growth across areas of social competence.


Updated 11/07/2022