Diverse Populations


Diversity (DIV) is 1 of the 12 content areas identified within the 2014 WI Core Competencies for Professionals Working with Young Children and their Families. This competency focuses on professionals respecting the unique nature of every individual and family including, but not limited to, culture, national origin, language, family structure, disability, religious beliefs, economic status, and child-rearing practices. 

Leading for Equity:  Opportunities for State Education Chiefs (webpage) – This document from the Council of Chief State School Officers and the Aspen Education & Society Program outlines 10 actions State education leaders can take to create a more equitable educational system in their State. 

The Impact of Discrimination on the Early Schooling Experiences of Children from Immigrant Families– Released Sep 2015, this report was prepared for a workshop held on Nov 20, 2014, at the Migration Policy Institute. The report underscores the importance of employing culturally responsive practices and offers recommendations for strengthening early learning systems to minimize discrimination. 


Updated 11/08/2022