Diverse Populations

Language Resources

  • Ojibwemowin – Ojibwe children’s books from Bad River Head Start
  • Ojibwe Language Resources from The Great Lakes Indian Fish & Wildlife Commission (GLIFWC). Here you will find dozens of books, learning activities, and printables for children birth through age 5.
  • Gookonaanig Endaawaad (Grandmas’ House) is a language nest for babies 0 to 5 years old and is housed on the homelands of The Fond Du Lac Band of Lake Superior Chippewa, in Minnesota. Check out their At-Home Language Kits.
  • Miin – The mission of the Midwest Indigenous Immersion Network (Miin)  is to assist Ojibwe language immersion programs to communicate and collaborate to collectively address common needs. A large collection of Ojibwe language resources can be found on their site including many for children ages birth through preschool.
  • Waking Up Ojibwe – Anishinaabemodaa The goal of the Anishinaabemodaa initiative is to bring Anishinaabemowin back into the homes of the Anishinaabe people. One way of achieving this goal is to build Anishinaabemowin knowledge and fluency among children ages 0-6. They offer language learning support and educational resources to their child care centers, community partners, families, and learners so they can incorporate Anishinaabemowin into their programming and daily routines.
  • The Ojibwe People’s Dictionary






Updated 4/23/2024