Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards
Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards Book
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Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards 2017 – 5th Edition
Modelo de Normas de Aprendizaje Temprano del Estado de Wisconsin – Segunda edición en español
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Promotional Materials
Please contact the Child Care Information Center
Phone: 1-800-362-7353 or 608-535-3288
Email: [email protected]
Connected Professional Competencies
Wisconsin Core Competencies for Professionals Working with Young Children & Their Families – outlines expectations for what the workforce should know (content) and be able to do (skills) in a respectful & competent manner (attitudes) in their roles working with and/or on behalf of children & their families
Competencias básicas de Wisconsin Para profesionales que trabajan con niños pequeños y sus familias
Wisconsin Training & Technical Assistance Professional (T-TAP) Competencies for Early Childhood & Related Professionals Working with Adults – provide general guidance for best practices when working with the professionals who directly serve young children and their families
Alignment Tools & Resources
The WMELS are aligned with the following and can be used in collaboration to guide curriculum, instruction, and assessment decisions:
Alignment information within the WI Model Early Learning Standards Book:
WI Academic Standards (Literacy and Mathematics) and the WI Alternative Academic Achievement Standards (The Essential Elements), Appendix A (p. 106-113)
IDEA Early Childhood Outcomes, Appendix B (p. 114-115)
The Head Start Early Learning Outcomes Framework (HSELOF) Alignment
WI Model Early Learning Standards and the HSELOF Alignment Document focuses specifically on the alignment of HSELOF Domains and the WI Model Early Learning Standards, 4th Edition Developmental Domains. Visit the WI Head Start Association’s alignment page to access the document.
YoungStar Alignment Tools
YoungStar: WMELS Alignment-Preparation: What Children Should Know and Be Able to Do
YoungStar Assessment and the WMELS: An Alignment Review Tool
Alineación de los WMELS con la evaluación YoungStar alineación
YoungStar Curriculum and the WMELS: An Alignment Review Tool
Engaging Families Resources
Engaging Families Around WMELS is a training curriculum developed to support families understanding of the standards, domains of development, and developmentally appropriate expectations for children from birth to first grade. The training content introduces developmentally appropriate practice, the importance of children’s play, children’s stages of learning & early childhood assessment practices.
Engaging Families Around WMELS provides individuals who have completed the full WMELS training with a strategy for sharing the information they have learned with the families they serve in their program or classroom. “Engaging Families Around WI Model Early Learning Standards” includes a training curriculum organized into 4 one-hour sessions; 6 handouts & 6 WMELS Family Tip Sheets.
Engaging Families around WMELS
Family Tip Sheets Birth – 1st Grade/ Hojas de consejos para la familia desde el nacimiento hasta los 6 años
Using WMELS Family Tip Sheets / Uso de las hojas de consejos para la familia del WMELS
Approaches to Learning / Aproximaciones al aprendizaje
Cognition & General Knowledge / Cognición y conocimiento general
Health & Physical Development / Salud y desarrollo físico
Language Development & Communication / Comunicación y desarrollo lingüístico
Social Emotional Development / Desarrollo social y emocional
Handouts / Folletos
HO#1 Compass Points / Puntos de la brújula
HO#2 Focus Child Web / La red del niño
HO#3 My Teacher Wants to Know / Mis maestros quieren saber
HO#4 Stages of Learning / Etapas del aprendizaje
HO#6 Developmental Observation – How can you help me learn to love books
Stages of Learning Toy Bags used during the training can be borrowed from the Child Care Information Center or call 1-800-362-7353.
WMELS Stories
WMELS Stories highlights how people throughout Wisconsin are using the WMELS.
We need more stories representing child care, preschool, Head Start, Birth to 3 Early Intervention, Early Childhood Special Education, 4 & 5K, Community Support Organizations, Higher Education, Policymakers & stories from families.
Please email Tiffany Swain: [email protected] if you would like to add your story.
WMELS Training Handouts & Resources
Compass Point / Puntos de la brújula
Compass Point-Personal Balance
WI Model Early Learning Standards Scavenger Hunt / Búsqueda del tesoro de los estándares modelo de aprendizaje temprano de Wisconsin
Self Assessment and Follow Up Plan / Plan de autoevaluación y seguimiento
Alternative Child Web / La red alternativa del niño
DAP Overview with WMELS Connections
The Stages of Learning / Las etapas del aprendizaje
The Teaching Cycle / El ciclo de enseñanza
Recommendations for Observing Well / Recomendaciones para una buena observación
The Focus Child / El niño de específico
Summary-Comprehensive and Aligned System For Early Childhood Screening and Assessment / Resumen del sistema integral y alineado para la prueba y evaluación de la infancia temprana
Why is Developmental Screening Important in Early Childhood Education Programs? / ¿Por qué es importante la evaluación del desarrollo en los programas educativos para la infancia temprana?
Balanced Assessment System / Sistema equilibrado de evaluació
Balanced System (DPI Handout) / Sistema equilibrado (material de referencia del Departamento de Instrucción Pública [DPI, por sus siglas in inglés])
CDC Milestone Tracker App / Aplicación móvil «Sigamos el Desarrollo» de los Centros para el Control de Enfermedades (CDC, por sus siglas en inglés)
Where we Stand on Curriculum, Assessment and Program Evaluation (NAEYC) / Nuestra postura respecto de la evaluación del plan de estudios, la evaluación y el programa (Asociación Nacional para la Evaluación de Niños Pequeños [NAEYC, por sus siglas en inglés])
Guidelines for Selecting High Quality Curriculum for Young Children / Pautas para seleccionar un plan de estudios de calidad para niños pequeños
Early Childhood Inclusion: A Summary (DEC & NAEYC) / Inclusión de la infancia temprana: un resumen (División de Infancia Temprana y NAEYC)
Components of Intentional Lesson Planning / Componentes de una planificación intencional de las lecciones
Making Connections: Using the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards and WIDA Early Years Resources to Plan Instruction for Young Multilingual Children – a comprehensive resource that offers suggestions, tools, and sample plans for teachers who use the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards and WIDA Early Years resources to plan equitable learning opportunities for young multilingual children.
Additional Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP) Resources
Wisconsin’s Developmentally Appropriate Practice (DAP) Summit Notes & Materials October 14, 2021
Brain-Building Through Play: Activities for Infants, Toddlers and Children
From Best Practices to Breakthrough Impacts
InBrief: The Science of Early Childhood Development
DAP: Defining Developmentally Appropriate Practice – NAEYC
DPI – Early Childhood: Developmentally Appropriate Practices (DAP)
Updated 1/22/2025